Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold Posted by Shay M, 8th Grader

THE LOVELY BONES, by Alice Sebold
AR: Yes
Interest Level: Upper Grades

This is a story told by a young girl names Susie. (Who, by the way, is dead and in heaven.) In this book she tells your the story of her rape and death, which was caused by her neighbor, and the aftermath of what happened to her body. All the while she is watching over her family's forever changed life. She watches her family slowly falling apart and the investigation to find her missing body, all the while questioning herself why. Why hadn't she done what she was supposed to do, why hadn't she noticed that something was wrong? This book is verrrrrrry good and brings you to think that it could be about anyone--even yourself--even those close to you could be dangerous. This is the very first book that I read from Mrs. Schauer's collection and I loved it--and recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. I have been meaning ot read this book for the past three years, ever since I became the librarian at PHS. I never had time, or when I wanted to it was checked out...but now that I"m finished with grad school, I'm finding more time for all those books I skipped...I listened to this one on audio, and is really fantastic. The author reads it, so you hear it the way it was intended to be heard...from the auther herself. I loved this book and highly recommend it!
