Monday, April 27, 2009

Book Trailer for BOOST by Kathy Mackel

This trailer for BOOST, by Kathy Mackel, was created by Mrs. Schauer. There is an AR quiz available and the book is appropriate for middle grades and up.


  1. WOW Mrs. Schauer once again an excellent job on the book trailer. Your blog is inspiring to all librarians; especially me! Thanks for doing such a great job!

  2. WOW!!! Mrs.Schauer...that was a very good book trailer:-) You make the BEST book trailers ever!

  3. Love your trailers! My middle school students want to see what you add each week and are inspired to try and create some as well. This one is great!

  4. Mrs. Schauer,

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful book trailers to these great books! I am in awe as to how colorful and animated these book trailers are. The music you have chosen to highlight the books is so appropriate and intriguing. All of your work totally captured my attention and has made me want to read these books. I am currently a library science graduate student and WOW you definitely make me want to continue to pursue this fantastic field. Thanks for sharing your expertise! P.S. I finally drove through your part of area as I drove to San Antonio.

  5. Wow, Patricia....thanks! Next time, drop in and visit....we're about the only thing in town besides the convenience store, DQ and the post office!

  6. I love your trailer! May I use it when I introduce the Black-Eyed Susan nominees to my students this year?

  7. beast mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. that music is dope and it sounds like a good book!!!
