Liesel. She sought words. She sought the mechanics and understanding of words. And once she found those, she loved words. Then she hated them. Words brought joy to her life -- through books -- in any way she could get her hands on them, whether they be gifts or loot. She treasured them just the same. And all the while, as she was discovering the joy that words could bring to her soul, she found also that words, spoken aloud, spoken with bigotry and hatred, would tear her world apart.
Still she found solace in words.
For years, Liesel struggled nightly over the loss of her mother and brother. And she learned daily to cope with her new foster family. In war-torn Germany, Liesel learns to adjust to new situations and circumstances beyond her control . . . and she blossoms from a scared timid child into a strong-willed, courageous young woman whose presence is a blessing to those who know her. Liesel's ability to persevere and honor her convictions despite potential consequences is amazing. Favorite line out of the book: "This is the good life" -- said by Rudy as he and Liesel share a single lollipop. Starving as they are for something other than their daily pea soup and chunk of bread, they are so appreciative and joyous to have a small bit of candy to share with each other. Wow! Puts me in my place.
OK...I guess now I'm going to have to read this book! So many books, so little time!!!! I tried listening to the audio of it a couple of years ago and couldn't get into it, so I gave up. Now, though...it seems like a great one. Maybe this summer...
ReplyDeleteI LOVE how you pick out your favorite line from the book and put it in your blog entries. You really SHOULD be a librarian, you know!
This book sounds really good to read.I've seen the book before...I think.
ReplyDeleteIt's on the shelf...get it tomorrow!